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Church Name: | St Paul's Lutheran Church |
Church Previous Name: | - |
Denomination: | Lutheran |
Street Address: | 22 Milham St, St Marys NSW 2760, Australia |
Suburb: | St Marys |
State: | NSW |
Postcode: | 2760 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | unknown |
Foundation Stone Notes: | No Foundation Stone or Memorial Plaque details are known. Information/photographs are invited. |
Date Opened: | 11-12-1955 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |
The St Paul's Lutheran Church, St Marys is part of the Lutheran District of NSW & ACT and the Lutheran Church of Australia. "St Paul's Lutheran Church, 22 Milham St., St Marys NSW. The Annual meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church [St Marys] on 21/3/1954, with a good attendance of members. Three quotes for a church building received were for $7,406, $4,300 and $3,160 for materials only. The quote of $3,160 from the Yagoona Timber Company was accepted, in spite of the fact that the credit was a mere $22.69! The balance was made up by a donation of $2,572 from the Home Mission Committee, and a personal loan of $1,600 at 2.5% from Mr F.W. Jacob of Burrumbuttock [NSW]. A Building Committee was elected, and the first working bee was held on 7 August 1954 to clear the block, dig foundations and the 200ft. trench to take the water pipes from Monfarville Street. The brick foundations of the building were done by contract which cost $60. 28 November saw the stump capping ceremony performed by Pastor [C.W.] Stolz. The Foundation stone was donated by Mr. Larcombe of Lidcombe. During 1954 combined English/German services were held fortnightly. 1955. The first resident Pastor in St Marys, Pastor Lloyd [V.] John, a recent graduate of Immanuel Seminary in Adelaide..... His installation took place in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday 27 March..... [Note also that a Lutheran Sunday School commenced around this time, and it was held in the lounge room of the home of Ray & Beryl Rohrlach, at 82 Monfarville Street, St Marys. It was also in 1955 that the building of the new church went on apace. It is estimated that approximately 2091 hours of free hard labour were donated in the erection of the church, giving a saving of more than $4,000 in the 14 months of building. The plans drawn up by Mr. F. Ziebel & Sons of Wagga Wagga free of charge, were put into effect by a large group of men. Chief among them were the following, Alf Grosas, Harry Grosas, Mr J. Grosas, O. Gross, Pastor Lloyd John, Peter Jonusaitas, John Lampsaitas, Mr. Macatas, John Paliokas, Alex Rohrlach [my father], Kevin Rohrlach [my uncle], Mervyn Rohrlach [cousin to my father], Morris Rohrlach [my uncle], Ray Rohrlach [my uncle] as [Building] Supervisor, Pastor C. [W.] Stolz, and Olaf Wulgucki. .....In building, the walls and roof were bolted and assembled on the ground, and hauled up by man-power by ropes with the assistance of two ladders, a couple of boxes, a 44-gallon drum, and "bring your own tools". The connection of electricity cost another $80. When it appeared that the building would drag on and on, the Home Mission Committee loaned the congregation $400 to complete the eaves and painting by contract. This hastened the day of dedication, since the congregation wanted to use the church building for Christmas. .....the building was ready for the dedication service scheduled for 11 December 1955. A light shower of rain was falling just at the time that the Supervisor of Building, Ray Rohrlach, handed the keys of the church building to Pastor L. [V.] John to open the doors"1. Photographs uploaded 15/2/2021.