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Life Anglican Church
Life Anglican Church - Original Building - Old Site 00-00-1920 - Church Website - See Note.

Life Anglican Church

Quakers Hill, NSW 2763

Church Information

Church Name: Life Anglican Church
Church Previous Name: St Stephen's Anglican Church/Quakers Hill Anglican Church
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: 4/10 Samuel Pl, Quakers Hill NSW 2763, Australia
Suburb: Quakers Hill
State: NSW
Postcode: 2763
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: No Foundation Stone or Memorial Plaque details are known. Information/photographs are invited.
Date Opened: unknown
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Life Anglican Church, Quakers Hill began prior to 1920. It erected the first Anglican church building in the district in Douglas Street, on land donated by Edith Isabelle Forster. To meet the changing demographic of the district, the church relocated and erected a new building in 1993, in Samuel Place, closer to new housing development. The church also planted a new congregation at Stanhope Gardens in 2009, which in 2018 became a separate parish. In 2012 the Riverside Anglican Church joined the network to become part of Life Anglican Church in 2013. South Sudanese (2009) and Philipino (2012) congregations were also introduced. A new church plant at Marsden Park began in 2017. [Sourced from: http://www.lifeac.org.au/history-of-our-church/].  More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 4/1/2021.

NOte: Photograph attribution/source - http://www.lifeac.org.au/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ststephens1.jpg
Last Updated: Monday 4th January, 2021