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St Paul's Anglican Church
St Paul's Anglican Church 03-07-2020 - Peter Liebeskind
St Paul's Anglican Church 29-04-2021 - Peter Liebeskind

St Paul's Anglican Church

Kincumber, NSW 2251

Church Information

Church Name: St Paul's Anglican Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: Avoca Dr, Kincumber NSW 2251, Australia
Suburb: Kincumber
State: NSW
Postcode: 2251
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: No Foundation Stone or Memorial Plaque details are known. Information/photographs are invited.
Date Opened: 00-00-1847
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The St Paul's Anglican Church, Kincumber was built in 1847, although planning began in 1838. It was built entirely using free labour. Anglican services, however, began to be held in the district in the 1930s, in private homes. [Sourced from: http://kincumberanglican.com/history-of-the-parish/]. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 16/3/2021 & 30/4/2021.

Last Updated: Friday 30th April, 2021