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Willoughby Uniting Church
Willoughby Uniting Church 12-06-2017 - Peter Liebeskind
Willoughby Uniting Church 18-04-2019 - Peter Liebeskind

Willoughby Uniting Church

North Willoughby, NSW 2068

Church Information

Church Name: Willoughby Uniting Church
Church Previous Name: Willoughby Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 10-12 Clanwilliam St, North Willoughby NSW 2068, Australia
Suburb: North Willoughby
State: NSW
Postcode: 2068
Foundation Stone Laid: 19-01-1901
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stones record:

  • This stone was laid - by - W H McKeown Esq - 19th Jany 1901.
  • This stone was laid - by - Jas Forsyth Senr Esq - 19th Jany 1901. 
  • This stone was laid - by - Mrs Robt Forsyth - 19th Jany 1901.
  • This stone was laid - by - Mrs Howard Fleming - 19th Jany 1901.

Memorial stones for the Sunday School Hall were laid on 19/8/1922 by T W Gates, W H Forsyth and Mrs A Alcom.

Date Opened: 28-04-1901
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


Methodist services began in the district in May 1891, in the Temperance Hall, referred to as the 'Mission Hall'. Eventually the building of a church was undertaken, with the land donated by Mr James Forsyth, Senior. The Willoughby Uniting (Methodist) Church was opened on 28/4/1901. Mr R J Lukey turned the key and the President of Conference, the Rev Dr G Lane preached the dedicatory sermon. In 1985 the South Willoughby congregation joined the Willoughby congregation. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 4/3/2021.

For more of the Willoughby Uniting Church story see - illuminate (27th Jun 2019). Willoughby Uniting Church (Clanwilliam Street): historical documents. In Website illuminate. Retrieved 4th Mar 2021 20:45, from https://illuminate.recollect.net.au/nodes/view/1807.





Last Updated: Thursday 4th March, 2021