Woodanilling Baptist Church - Former
Woodanilling Baptist Church - Former 00-04-2015 - (c) gordon@mingor.net
Woodanilling Baptist Church - Former 00-03-2008 - Google Maps - google.com

Woodanilling Baptist Church - Former

Woodanilling, WA 6316

Church Information

Church Name: Woodanilling Baptist Church - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Baptist
Street Address: Robinson Rd & Cardigan St, Woodanilling WA 6316, Australia
Suburb: Woodanilling
State: WA
Postcode: 6316
Foundation Stone Laid: 12-02-1908
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: For God's Glory H O Beeck laid this stone - 12.2.08 - W Kennedy Pastor - B Hobart Sec.

Date Opened: 00-00-1909
Date Closed: 00-08-1997
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former Woodanilling Baptist Church has closed and the property is now privately owned. The church building was erected in 1908 and also used for a time by the local Presbyterian congregation. The final service in the building was conducted in August 1997. More historical information/photographs of the church(es)/congregation(s) are invited. Photographs uploaded 23/10/2018 & 11/5/2022.

Note: For more of the Church story see - https://inherit.dplh.wa.gov.au/public/inventory/details/a83e0176-b1cd-447f-b37b-9ff7cfa10d65
Last Updated: Tuesday 14th May, 2024